Vision & values

We exist to see the Salt Lake Valley saturated with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

OUR Mission

is to see every man, woman, and child have a daily encounter with Jesus in Word & Deed throughout the Salt Lake Valley, leading to new churches planted and gospel saturation.

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14



Everything revolves around the good news of Jesus Christ. We embrace His life, death, and resurrection as the heart of our faith and mission. We prioritize proclaiming His saving grace, living in His truth, and inviting all to experience the transformative power of His love.

Supportive family

We strive to create a supportive and nurturing community where individuals can experience and grow in familial relationships that reflect God's love and unity. 

Everyday Mission

We encourage members to integrate their faith into their daily routines and interactions, viewing every moment as an opportunity to demonstrate Christ-like love and grace.

Kingdom advancement

We believe in sharing the gospel message with different communities in Salt Lake City, reaching out to those who may not understand the gospel and the good news of Jesus Christ.


We seek the Holy Spirit's wisdom and guidance in decision-making processes, both individually and collectively as a church leadership team.

The beauty of god

We foster a culture of worship that exalts the beauty of God's character, attributes, and deeds, inspiring awe and reverence among believers.

Have a question?

Whether it’s a question about where we meet, a prayer request, or anything else in between, please reach out and we will respond to you personally!