Serve alongside fellow members to make a meaningful impact in our church community.

This team coordinates all welcome activities on Sundays, ensuring everyone who walks through our doors feels seen and included.

Sunday gathering team

The events team is responsible for coordinating the Sunday Gathering and other events organized by our Church.

Events team

Our musicians and AV teams lead us in inspiring worship each week. No experience is necessary for AV; we can train you on the details! 

Band & av team

Our Church views creativity as an expression of worship. We need creative talents to help us with photography, videography, and social media!

Creative arts team

Partner in teaching the smallest members of our congregation about Christian values using a curriculum suited to their age group.

Valley Kids team

The Comms team provides content to our congregation and city with necessary information from our newsletter, print materials, and website. Digital and graphic design skills are needed.  

Communications team

Other ideas?

If you would like to serve in a way that isn’t listed here, we would love to hear how we can utilize your skills!

“Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

— Matthew 20:26-28

Have a question?

Whether it’s a question about where we meet, a prayer request, or anything else in between, please reach out and we will respond to you personally!