meet our team

Boyd Bettis
Lead pastor

Boyd and Brittany reside in Cottonwood Heights with their three children; Whittaker, Fletcher, and Eliza Kate. Celebrating 17 years of marriage, Boyd has a background in church planting, he planted The District Church in Jacksonville, Florida in 2013, and he became the lead pastor of COTV in March 2024. 

Boyd is driven by a passion to help people discover their identity in Christ and be instrumental in advancing the gospel. He loves to preach and see ordinary people be used by God, for His glory!

Outside his ministry, Boyd's interests include bow hunting, smoking meat on the Traeger, and fitness. Boyd holds a Bachelor's degree from The Baptist College of Florida and a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from Liberty University.

Additionally, Boyd serves as Director of Church Planting Cohorts and Resources for the Acts 29 Network. His love for church planters fuels his desire to utilize his expertise and gifts to support and enhance their journey in church planting.


Church of the Valley is ruled under the authority of our Senior Pastor, Jesus, as the church belongs to Him. Jesus has entrusted the oversight, leadership, protection, and caring for the people to men who are qualified according to 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 to serve as elders. Our elders oversee the staff and deacons team, who execute the ministry strategy and we are congregationally accountable.

Our elders team has appointed the pastoral staff and deacons to execute the day-to-day ministry and entrust them to equip the saints for the work of ministry. If you have any questions about our church, our elders would be happy to hear from you. Please feel welcome to contact us.

Chris longley

Church of the Valley Elder

wes shelnutt

Church of the Valley Elder

Josh opp

Church of the Valley Elder

pastor boyd

Church of the Valley Elder

Have a question?

Whether it’s a question about where we meet, a prayer request, or anything else in between, please reach out and we will respond to you personally!