We can’t wait
to meet you!
Church of the Valley exists to see the Valley saturated with the good news of Jesus Christ.
At Church of the Valley, we meet every person right where they are—imperfections and all.
As you join us, you'll discover a people who have experienced life-changing power of Jesus' unconditional and constant love, and a community of followers of Jesus who are daily being transformed by the gospel of grace.
Your first step into life at Church of the Valley is to visit a Sunday Gathering. We’d love to prepare for you, let us know you are coming! We’ll have our team ready to greet you and show you around!
Sundays are a time to gather for us
to hear God’s word, sing, pray,
and celebrate the good news of Jesus.
Attend on sunday
8558 S 1300 E Sandy, UT 84094
We have community groups that meet across the Valley designed to help you grow in your faith and build lasting friendships.
Experience Church of the Valley
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sermonS ONLINE
Join us on Sundays at 10am
8558 S 1300 E. Sandy, UT 84094
take a next step

This is my commandment,
that you love one
another as I have loved you.
John 15:12
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